With the intent of transparent response and government action accountability, witnesses (including, Catherine Kennedy, RN, from National Nurses United, Julio Rhymer, executive director and chief executive officer of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority, and Ramón Luis Nieves, former chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, Senate of Puerto Rico) and executive branch agency representatives to testify on the human health and environmental impacts of the storms, including the lack of power to medical facilities and potable water in Puerto Rico, the threat to the 50 medical device-manufacturing plants in Puerto Rico, and the fires at the Arkema Inc. chemical plant in Texas, as well as myriad other issues raised by the storms.
In some ways, the expertise and the depth of knowledge of the long- term committee staffers reminds me of working with a principal investigator in a laboratory, but that’s where the similarities to academia end. One recent assignment was to write a preliminary draft of a memo regarding the “The Mission of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,†which will be EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s first time testifying on the Hill since his appointment. In academic writing there is time to ruminate on ideas and continuously revise. This is not the case in Washington. Things must be done quickly and timelines are firm; otherwise, the information simply won’t reach the public.
That means getting up to speed quickly on unfamiliar issues to become comfortable enough to write about them. I’m adjusting to not having the time to dive in and learn about every aspect of a topic. As a scientist, I want to back up everything I say. For example, when writing about agriculture contamination of drinking water, I wanted to explain exactly what causes methemoglobinemia, and why it effects certain groups and not others, but that wasn’t the goal. My mentor’s feedback on my first letter was that I included way too much information. We need to broadcast the information and state that the consequences are bad, but not why they’re bad.
For many of the issues we deal with on the committee, the science is clear, but every subject today becomes politicized. There is also a great deal of perversion of science, like the appropriation and misuse of the term “peer review,†to give climate change–deniers equal voice in the conversation. These problems help clarify why I wanted this fellowship so much: There is no point in doing meaningful research if there is no chance of it being used in important decisions. As scientists, we need to be more engaged in defending our work and ensuring the policies of our government are based in evidence and reason.
Although there is a lot for me to learn, I am remarkably grateful that I get to be part of the committee’s work. The work isn’t always fun in today’s political climate, but it is terribly important. On my way to work in the morning, I walk past the Capitol Building and see tourists taking pictures, and I’m reminded of how lucky I am to be here. Similarly, when I’m listening to the senior committee staff and congressional members preparing before a hearing, I am reminded what a privilege this remarkable opportunity is.